My name is Evan. I am the founder of Off Airport Gear.
Welcome to the beginning. We are a company that wants to represent the pilots, friends, and families of backcountry aviation. We want our gear to be in every airplane that leaves the airport in search of an adventure. The adventure could be anywhere!
Me personally, I am a total wannabe. As I write this, I am still a student pilot. That doesn’t change who I aspire to be, and what I aspire to do. Every great pilot started with zero time in his or her log book.
The point is, you don’t have to be a 30,000 hour bush pilot to love the idea of being able to hop in an airplane and go someplace that is ONLY accessible by airplane. This idea is what inspired me to re-consider pursuing my pilots licence. As I explored deeper into this cross section of aviation, I realized that there are destinations all over, that fit skill levels of all kinds. The proper training and time building will open up a world of possibilities.
I look forward to putting products out to you that represent what myself, and many others have found to be a love for backcountry aviation and being, “Off Airport.”